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A Lifelong Dedication in Helping Others Helping others has never been a question of “What can we do?” but “When can we start?” for Michael and Evelind, co-founders of Warm Heart. Over 38 years of marriage, Evelind Schecter and Michael Shafer have made a commitment beyond their wedding vows always to helping others in need.
They created their biochar solution over 10 years ago by training a community of farmers in northern Thailand to make biochar from crop waste rather than burning their fields. Their community-based approach now helps more than 10,000 farmers across rural villages in Asia and Africa.
They launched Biochar Life, a public benefit corporation, to facilitate poor, smallholder farmers' access to the global carbon offset (C-SINK) markets. This allows us to finance farmers by selling carbon removal credits, providing income, health and climate benefits. Teaching farmers helps to cool the planet, clean the environment of smoke pollution, improve public health and reduce rural poverty.
Operating under the Warm Heart umbrella, echoes this mission on a global scale.The venture teaches smallholder farmers to create biochar, helping to sequester carbon and improve soil health. This training enables farmers to generate additional income through the production of biochar and the earning of carbon sink credits. Over the past decade, Warm Heart and Biochar Life have been funded by multiple grant givers, governments and individual donors, and have achieved accreditation from the Ithaka Institute for the Global Artisan Standard.
The efforts of Warm Heart and Biochar Life not only benefit the farmers economically but also contribute to the global fight against climate change by advancing sustainable agriculture, reducing emissions, and fostering corporate carbon-offset partnerships.